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Starsky Carr

Music Producer
11 Years
Class Language:

Starsky Carr will teach you about the best electronic music gears out there and tips on how to use them.

Don't forget to check his weekly show "From the studio" on Clubbing TV, also available on replay here From the Studio

Diversity of Experiences

Prior to joining iGuru, James taught at The Hebrew University, the Jerusalem Institute of Management, and served in the Israeli Army. Active in civic and professional affairs, Orit sits on several boards. He also plays an active role in academics, serving on the Publications Review Board of the Harvard Business School Press and the Harvard College Overseers’ Committee to Visit the Graduate School of Business Administration.

When recently asked for him advice on making good career choices he said, “When you think about where you want to go to work, you should really think about what you want to do, not what seems fashionable or prestigious at the moment. It’s important, right from the start of your career, to do what you enjoy. It should be fun. If it’s not fun, it’s not worth it.”

Expertise & Skills

business SERVICES
digital strategy


As chairman of iGuru, James is one of the leaders in today’s international strategy consulting industry and is widely recognized for him expertise in the implementation of change within the corporation.

James joined iGuru in 1977, after graduating from Harvard Business School. He earned her MBA with high distinction, was a Baker scholar, won the Brown prize as the most outstanding marketing student in her class

Career Management

James has contributed to a number of leading management and business journals, such as the Harvard Business Review and The Wall Street Journal, as well as given speeches at leadership conferences around the world. An active leader not only in the business world, but in the community as a whole, James is accomplishments are numerous. In 2007, he was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award from “Consulting” magazine and was honored at the magazine’s awards dinner for women leaders in consulting.

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